Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Family pics

So my sister decided to get her own little photography thing going. We were headed to the valley so we took her up on her photo shoot offer. We learned A LOT that day

#1- don't plan on going out at 8ish but really leave at 10ish (sun was way too hot, and kids squint in EVERY picture)

#2- Bring more bribing snacks

#3- DON'T wear long sleves in the valley in October ( I wanted colder looking pics so I could use them for Christmas cards) DUMB!

Needless to say, out of the 800 or so pictures taken that day, we only got a few that SOMEONE didn't have their eyes shut, or squinting, or mouths open, or sad faces, or everything else that could have happened.

Oh yes, I guess I have a few more things we learned that day

#4- It is almost impossible to get a "perfect" family pic with these many goobers

#5- Madden HATES the camera, I don't think we got 1 thing with him looking (smiling)

........k, I guess that is it with my griping, enjoy :)