8lbs 6oz 20 1/2in.
12:57 p.m.
Sitting there for those extra 5 hours started to make me panic. I had these leg things on and the monitors on my belly, my room was getting hot, I wanted to rip it all off and cry. Mike calmed me down just as the nurse came in and said lets go. We all walked into the surgery room, which is new to me cause they used to do them down stairs in the O.R. now they have their own c-section surgery room in the O.B. Dept, they told me to sit on the operating table and wait for Dr. Tindall to get there. From that point it all happened so quick.
Mike was standing on the outside of the room looking through a window until it was time for him to come in. Meanwhile I was getting my spinal and getting all scrubbed up and ready. I started to panic again cause the numbing was so extreme I could hardly feel myself breathing. I asked if Mike could come in, they allowed him even though they weren't quiet ready. If my legs had any feeling in them I may have just ran away at that point, I was getting so claustrophobic. Just Mike coming in, rubbing my head and holding my hand made it all go away. All of a sudden the extreme numbing became so comfortable. I just layed there waiting to hear the baby cry.
The talk of the baby's gender was filling the room, everyone was asking what we wanted and what we had. Mike and I knew in our hearts we were going to have another boy so we talked about that a lot. Finally doc got the babies head out, Mike said it looked just like Madden. They got the body out and confirmed it was a boy. I was crying and Mike jokingly asked if I was crying cause it was a boy :) Of course not, I was crying cause I finally got to see and hear my baby.
Mike left with the baby and I went to loo loo land till they wheeled me to my room.
It was nice this time, because of all the new stuff at the hospital you actually get to recover in your room while the baby lays right there, so I got to be with my baby a lot quicker then before.
Because they used something different or maybe a different dosage (not sure) in my anaesthesia this time i was so loopy for the rest of the day. I have never been like that before but it felt really good. Just recently now I can remember talking to people on the phone and I have no idea what was said, so sorry if you are one of them :)
Everything went good, baby is super healthy, mom feels great:) I just love this little new guy. He is such a good baby already. Never spits up, never cries, sleeps great. I feel so grateful to be blessed with such a good baby cause Madden has started acting a little different now that all the attention isn't on him all the time. Mike and I talk about it a lot and if one of us has the baby then the other one tries to have Madden so he will still feel special.
When I nurse Ashton, Madden will just kiss his head like a billion times so I know Madden loves him, that makes me feel better.
Congrats!!! I love the name Ashton by the way and the pics are so cute. You have a group of good lookin kids.
Cute cute! Congrats! I was showing Larry your post and we scrolled down to the picture of all your kids and we boh siad holy crap at the same time!!! We love all you guys miss you!
Holy cow I thought you guys were having your 5th baby...LOL I have some catching up to do!!! :) He's to cute! So is your family!
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